Date: 6 December 2022
Time: 6 pm IST (Indian Standard Time)
Duration: 60 Minutes
Who can Participate?
All the alumni members of the Ecolink Institute who completed the UTC course, members of the ISSUP-India, members of the ISSUP-Global, UTC graduates from other training providers.
Concept Note:
The pandemic has given rise to several behavioural addictions mainly to young people confined to “work from home” or “study from home”. The use of internet platforms has taken over physical settings and caused an increase in Behavioral addictions in society. As addiction professionals, we cannot ignore these phenomena. This webinar is intended to help our addiction professionals to get a glimpse of Behavioral addiction and its management.
Behavioural addiction is a form of addiction that involves a compulsion to engage in rewarding non-substance-related behaviour. DSM 5 has recognized Behavioral addiction as a serious disorder requiring treatment intervention. Addiction occurs when our brain associates pleasure and activates its reward mechanism when engaging in an activity. There are many behaviours that you can become addicted to including:
Video games
Plastic surgery
Binge eating
Risky behaviour
Behavioural addictions such as gambling, overeating, television compulsion, and internet addiction are similar to drug addiction except that the individual is not addicted to a substance, but he/she is addicted to the behaviour.
Speaker background:
Dr. Yatan Pal Singh Balhara
Psychiatrist, AIIMS, New Delhi & Global trainer
Dr Yatan Pal Singh Balhara is a Psychiatrist at All India Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi and an additional Professor for the Department of Psychiatry. He is also a Global Trainer for the Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme, WHO and the UNODC and occasionally serve as a honorary trainer for the Ecolink Institute.
He has done his Masters's in Addiction Studies and International Master's in Mental Health Policy and Services He is a visiting professor (King’s College London, UK; University of Adelaide, Australia; Virginia Commonwealth University, USA), and serve as an additional professor of Psychiatry at AIIMS, New Delhi and Rishikesh. He has over 200 publications to his credit on various topics related to mental health and is a member of several policy-based organizations and associations. Dr Balhara is a winner of several awards for his excellence in field of Psychiatry.
Ecolink UTC Alumni Association:
The Ecolink Alumni Association consist of all the students of the Universal Treatment Curriculum of Substance Use Disorder (UTC) from Ecolink Institute from 8 different batches as well as its students of the Advanced courses. The forum is headed by Ms. Ramya R, the president and her team. Major activities include the promotion of integrating UTC into clinical practice, hosting webinars, psycho-education through a YouTube channel, promotion of online therapy for SUDs under Addiction Recovery Coach Online (ARCO) and sharing of updated knowledge and information among its members on a regular basis.
Ecolink Institute of Well-being:
Ecolink Institute is an approved Training Provider of the Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme which is currently involved in training addiction professionals with a Universal Treatment Curriculum, facilitating the application process of the students for ICAP credentialing, and managing an online therapy platform for mental health and addiction management. The Institute has trained over 280 addiction practitioners from 17 countries so far in the highest quality. Dr Thirumagal V is the chief trainer of the Institute along with Ms Aditi Ghanekar, Dr Damber Nirola, Mr Francis Moothedan, Ms Reshma Malick and Dr Thomas Scaria. Recently the Institute won the International Award for “Excellence in Training Provision” from the ISSUP-Global.
The International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP)
The International Society of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Professionals (ISSUP) is a global organisation to support the development of a professional drug demand reduction workforce. It is a free, international, membership organisation, bringing together a range of workers from the prevention, treatment and recovery fields to inform, connect and strengthen their research, practice and policy making. ISSUP’s establishment and development have been the Colombo Plan and its Drug Advisory Programme (DAP) and the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) who have been the originator and major funder of the initiative.
ISSUP-India Chapter is the collaborating partner for the webinar on “Impact of Behavioral addiction to Mental Health”