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Universal Treatment Curriculam (UTC)


(Curriculum 1, 2 and 4)

Science of Addiction, Treatment and Recovery and Basic Counseling Skills for Addiction Professionals”

Online Course proposed to start from
21 January 2025
(subject to change if minimum participant requirements are not met)

Tuesdays and Fridays, 6 PM IST

Organized by :
Ecolink Institute of Well-being, India 

Medium of Instruction:



 ⦁    Online Course starting from 21 January 2025

⦁    Limited seats.  Admission on  a ‘first-come, first-served basis'

⦁    Total 50 hours of training, all live sessions (No recorded sessions)
⦁    Classes two days a week (
days and Fridays), 6 PM (Indian Standard Time) 
⦁    Sessions conducted by ICAP Certified Global Master Trainers of the Colombo Plan 
⦁    All modules of the Curriculum 1 on Pharmacology of Addiction and Curriculum 2 on Treatment for Substance Use Disorders, and Curriculum 4 on Counseling skills

⦁     Medium of Instruction: HINDI

Global Master Trainers: 
⦁    Ms. Aditi Sanika, Global Master Trainer, Colombo Plan
⦁    Mr. Francis Moothedan, Global Master Trainer, Colombo Plan
⦁    Ms. Susmita Bannerji, Global Master Trainer, Colombo Plan

Course Fees:
⦁    Rs. 7000/ for the certificate course.

⦁    The course fee includes the entire sessions, Participant Manual for each course, course assessments, and Certificates of Completion

Stories from around the Globe 

Regina Nova Indradewi.jpeg

Regina Nova Indradewi,

Jakarta, Indonesia

"A great experience as well as very rewarding. At first I was worried because of language barriers, but it seemed that my ...

Anacleto Clent Banaay Jr.jpeg

Anacleto Clent Banaay Jr, Cebu, Philippines

"The online UTC course gave me the opportunity to learn addiction management in a wider perspective ( international perspective).....

Odireleng Kasale-Botswana.jpeg

Odireleng Kasale, Botswana, South Africa

"I enrolled to the course very last minute after stumbling across the autumn mind on the ISSUP Facebook page. From....


Ecolink Institute of Well-being is an approved training provider for the Colombo Plan involved in training addiction professionals globally. It has successfully done four international batches, covering addiction professionals from around the globe through online live training sessions. Now, we offer courses in Hindi for the sake of addiction practitioners. Universal Treatment Curriculum on Substance Use Disorder is developed by the Colombo Plan and is used as an internationally recognized training syllabus in more than 80 countries.


Substance use disorder is a major mental health issue in the world which claims millions of deaths annually and cause several health related ailments. Some 35.6 million people suffer from drug use disorders globally, according to the World Drug Report 2020 by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Globally, more than 3 million people die of alcohol use every year and nearly 8 million die from tobacco related ailments. It is a major health problem in India also with several issues attached to it.

Chemical Dependency is a complex brain disease which is relapsing and associated with both physical and psychological co-occurring disorders. Since addiction is a complex process, recovery is also complex, which involves a whole person wellness and reintegration. Recovery from substance use disorders is a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.


A person undergoes several emotional and physical issues during recovery which requires professional care and support. There is an acute shortage of qualified professionals and recovery coaches with proper training and experience to deal with addiction management and recovery.  The Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) is specially designed by global experts and coordinated by The Colombo Plan, with a focus on evidence-based practices.

Training goals: 

  • To provide participants with an understanding of the physiology of addiction as a brain disease;

  • To provide participants with information about the pharmacology of psychoactive substances.

  • To provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the nature of change and motivation; 

  • To provide participants with an understanding of the process and elements of treatment and recovery for SUDs.

  • To provide an overview of treatment models and principles for co-occurring disorders

  • To provide an overview of commonly co-occurring mental and medical disorders;

  • To provide an opportunity for participants to learn and practice basic skills they will need in all settings and models of treatment;

  • To teach and provide an opportunity for participants to practice basic group counselling skills.

  • To provide an overview of the importance of ethical guidelines and ethical decision-making models; 

The Training Design: 

The crash course will be held two days a week (Tuesdays and Fridays) from 6 - 8 PM. The course is imparted through the zoom platform by live training sessions by global trainers in the Hindi language. The course is for two months, starting on 07 January 2025. The trainers will provide a specific agenda for each course with trainer-led presentations and discussions, frequent use of creative learner-directed activities, small-group and partner-to-partner exercises and presentations, reflective writing exercises, periodic reviews to enhance learning retention, and learning assessment exercises. Your active participation is essential to making this a positive and productive learning experience!


The title of the training program: Universal Treatment Curriculum for Substance Use Disorder (Curriculum 1 & 2)

The OrganizersEcolink Institute of Well-being, India in Collaboration with  The Colombo Plan-Drug Advisory Programme

Duration of the training:  Two Months (Online) 

Eligible groups: Addiction professionals, & Recovery coaches only

Minimum Qualification: A University Recognized bachelor’ Degree or more

Proposed starting Date21 January 2025

Training Days: Tuesdays and Fridays

Training Hours: 6- 8 PM (Indian Standard Time) 

Selection Process:   Selection is done based on a written test.

Total Number of Participants: 40

What the participants gain:
  1. The participants will get a soft copy of the Participant Manual for each curriculum with more than 250 Pages of resource materials, PPTs, and reference pages completely free. These manuals will be in English, but classes will be in Hindi (Total: 2 manuals)

  2. In addition to Curriculum 1 & 2, the participants will get significant sessions on Co-occurring mental and physical disorders, Counselling skills, ethics in recovery programs, etc.  

  3. The Certificates of Completion will have a logo of the Colombo Plan and the list of topics and modules covered.

The Resource persons:

Globally Certified Addiction Trainers for Universal Treatment & Prevention Curricula, promoted by the Colombo Plan & US Department of State with several hours of training and counselling experience around the world. Most Trainers are also Certified Trainers for UNODC.


  1. Ms. Aditi Ghanekar, Global Master Trainer, Colombo Plan

  2. Ms. Susmita Bannerji, Global Master Trainer, Colombo Plan

  3. Mr. Francis Moothedan, Global Master Trainer, Colombo Plan


Moderator: Dr. Thomas Scaria, ICAP Certified Addiction Trainer & Director, Ecolink

The Syllabus (Curricula and Modules)

The syllabus is designed by international experts based on evidence-based approaches and years of research. The overall goal of the training series is to help addiction practitioners with basic knowledge and skills in managing SUDs at their Recovery centres. The course is designed to give a clear picture of the science of addiction, its disease concept, stages and symptoms, and classification of psychoactive substances in the first course and discuss the treatment models, procedures, and managing recovery in the second course. In addition, participants will be also given additional sessions on counselling skills and ethics.

Curriculum 2
Curriculum 1:

Physiology and Pharmacology for Addiction Professionals​

Module 1—Training Introduction

Module 2—Introduction to Psychoactive Substance Use 

Module 3—The Science of Addiction

Module 4—Social Stigma

Module 5—Substances of Abuse: Characteristics and Consequences

Module 6—Integrating Learning Into  Practice

Curriculum 2 :

Treatment for Substance Use Disorder, Continuum of Care

Module 1—Training Introduction

Module 2— Recovery and Recovery       Management

Module 3_ Factors Affecting Treatment Outcomes

Module 4— Introduction to Motivation and Stages of Change

Module 5— Treatment: An Overview

Module 6— Components of Treatment: The Continuum of Care

Module 7_ Evidence-Based Practices for Treatment Intervention

Module 8 _ Integrating Learning Into Treatment

Curriculum 4 :

Basic Counseling Skills for Addiction Professionals

Module 1—Training Introduction

Module 2— The Helping Relationship

Module 3— Core Counseling Skills

Module 4— Stages of and Strategies for Change

Module 5— Group Counseling: Basic Skills Module 6— Psycho-education Groups for Clients and Families Module

Module 7_ Teaching Clients Skills

Module 8 _ Integrating Learning Into Practice


Additional sessions:

  1. Common Co-Occurring Mental and Medical Disorders—An Overview for Addiction Professionals

  2. Basic Counseling Skills for Addiction Professionals

  3. Ethics for Addiction Professionals

  4. Safety measures in Addiction Recovery centres.

Methodology for training:   

The training will be imparted through zoom video conference, and the link will be sent through email and WhatsApp 03 hours prior to the scheduled time of the sessions. The students can click the link and the host will admit them to the classroom 15 minutes prior to the session. The training sessions will be from 6 pm to 8 pm with a 5-minute break in between.

The training will be using PowerPoint presentations, interactive sessions, activities, and will be following a detailed manual with PPT and other instructions which will be made available to the participants before the session begins. The modules will be taken by expert resource persons who are recognized by the Colombo Plan and most of them serving as global trainers. There will be 8 curricula with 6-8 modules which will be imparted on one module-one day basis. Certain modules will be split into two days depending on their content. There will be homework and activities related to the sessions and reference materials will be provided. 

Sessions will be provided live and not through any recorded videos. Students are expected to learn not only through the zoom sessions but through prescribed activities, home works and reading reference materials from the participant's manual and references provided.

Background of the Universal Treatment Curriculum:

The Universal Treatment Curriculum for Substance Use Disorders is an eight-course training series with 48 modules developed by treatment experts and professionals for the Colombo Plan with funding from the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), US Department of State. These manuals have undergone several revisions under the supervision of the Colombo Plan. 

We would like to thank the following members of the Peer Review Panel and Treatment –Expert Advisory Group for their significant contributions in the revision of this training series: 

Peer Review Panel:

Dr. Igor Koutsenok, Professor of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, USA 
Dr. Randy Koch, Associate Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA 
Stephanie Lusk, Ph.D., CRC, University of Arkansas, USA 
Special thanks to Dr. Elizabeth Saenz, Project Coordinator, Olga Parakkal and Sanita Suhartono, Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Unit of UNODC for organizing and spearheading the peer review process. 

Treatment - Expert Advisory Group: 
Sadie Thimsen, Foreign Affairs Officer, INL 
Tay Bian How, Former ICCE Director, Colombo Plan 
Winona Pandan, Curriculum Development Coordinator, Colombo Plan 
Dr. Elizabeth Saenz, Project Coordinator, UNODC 
V. Thirumagal, Ph.D, Consultant-Trainer, India
Beatrice Kathungu, Ph.D, Lecturer, Kenyatta University 
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Nazar Mohamed, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Asia Metropolitan University 
Shirley Mikell, Project Manager, SME Consulting, LLP 
Martha Hurley, Ph.D., Department Head and Professor, Texas A&M University Commerce 
Hendrée Jones, Ph.D, UNC Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Special thanks to Brian Morales, Division Director, INL Global Drug Demand Reduction Programs, and Charlotte Sisson, Senior Foreign Affairs Officer and Team Lead, Drug Demand Reduction, INL for their guidance and support in the overall curriculum development process. 

Public Domain Notice 
All materials appearing in this Course except for those taken directly from copyrighted sources are in the public domain and may be reproduced or copied without permission from the U.S. Department of State INL or the authors. Citation of the source is appreciated. However, this publication may not be reproduced or distributed for a fee without specific, written authorization from INL. 

The substance use disorder treatment interventions described or referred to herein do not necessarily reflect the official position of INL or the U.S. Department of State. The guidelines in this document should not be considered substitutes for individualized client care.


Background of the Agencies:

Ecolink Institute of Well-being: 

(,,  )

Ecolink Institute, based in Mangalore, India is an approved “Training Provider” by the Colombo Plan for imparting Universal Treatment Curricula (UTC) and Prevention Curricula (UPC) for Substance Use Disorder. It is also affiliated to the International Society for Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP), as a worldwide network of addiction professionals, and the Global Center for Credentialing and Certification (GCCC). The key founder of the Institute is Dr. Thomas Scaria, an Internationally Certified Addiction Professional and trainer with over 30 years of experience in social development programs in India and several Asian countries. He is also the founding member of Link De-addiction Center established in 1992 with nearly three decades of outstanding services. Ronnie Thomas and Dr. Thulitha Wickrama and are the co-founders of Ecolink.

Ecolink Institute of Well-being is a center for psychological wellness, counseling, education, and training, registered and based in the coastal city of Mangalore. The Institute runs an Online Counselling portal named, with over 25 well-qualified Counsellors and psychologists who deal with mental health issues, addiction Management, relationship matters, and child and adolescent counseling. It also runs a face-to-face counseling and therapy program and a training center too.

For more details, please contact:

Ronnie Thomas,

Correspondent, Ecolink Institute of Well-being,

2/98/17, G.M. Arcade, Airport Road, Yeyyadi,




Phone: +919448327209, +91 8073168164 (WhatsApp)

Local coordinator: TANNOY BOSS: +919830622880


Acknowledgments: Universal Treatment Curricula for Addiction Professionals is part of an eight-volume training series developed for the U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) by the Colombo Plan

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