Ecolink Institute of Well-being is a centre for psychological wellness, counselling, education and training, registered and based at the coastal city of Mangalore. The main objectives of the Institute are to promote a climate for positive mental health and well-being among people through varieties of programs related to well-being. The Institute runs an Online Counselling portal named, with over 25 well-qualified Counsellors and psychologists who deal with mental health issues, addiction Management, relationship matters and child and adolescent counselling. It also runs a face-to-face counselling and therapy program and a training centre too.
Who are we?
Ecolink is an approved “Training Provider” of the Colombo Plan for imparting Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) and Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) for Substance Use Disorder, an evidence based training series developed and promoted by the Colombo Plan, UNODC and the US Department of State. It is affiliated to International Society for Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP), a worldwide network of addiction professionals and the Global Center for Credentialing and Certification (GCCC). The key founder of the Institute is Dr. Thomas Scaria, an Internationally Certified Addiction Professional and trainer with over 30 years of experience in SUD and social developmental programs in India and several Asian countries. He is also a certified Global Trainer by the UNODC. Dr.Thomas is one of the founding Directors of Link De-addiction Center, established in 1992 with nearly three decades of outstanding services.
Ronnie Thomas is a co-founder of the Institute with Masters in Social Work (MSW) who is currently serving as the Correspondent and Executive Secretary of the Ecolink Institute. Dr. Thulitha Wickrama, a Psychology Professor from United States is another member of the Governing Council of the Institute. Dr Thirumagal V, a Global Master Trainer serves as a Honourary consultant for the Universal Treatment Curriculum implementation.
Our Vision
To create a professional workforce in Substance Use Disorder Management and Psychological well-being with evidence based practices, universal standards of care and ethical foundation, so that persons with SUD and other mental health disorders receive a dignified treatment, and community empowered with evidence based prevention practices”.
Our Mission
“Identify, motivate, train and initiate mental health professionals, professional social workers, and community leaders into the field of Substance Use Disorder Management and Prevention, and to professionalize the already existing addiction workforce by offering online and face-to-face courses on Universal Treatment Curriculum, Universal Prevention Curriculum, Recovery Coach, and other topics related to the psychological well-being in collaboration with the Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme and other international agencies in the world”.
Meet The Team
Thomas Scaria
Ronnie Scarl Thomas
Co-Founder, Executive Secretary
Dr. Thulitha Wickrama
Co-Founder, International Collaborator
Globally Certified Addiction Trainers for Universal Treatment & Prevention Curricula, promoted by the Colombo Plan & US Department of State with several hours of training and counseling experience around the world. Most Trainers are also Certified Trainers for UNODC.
Dr. Thirumagal V,
Global Master Trainer, Colombo Plan
Ms. Aditi Ghaneker,
Global Master Trainer, Colombo Plan
Mr. Francis Moothedan,
ICAP-III certified Global Master Trainer, Colombo Plan
Ms. Susmita Bannerji,
Global Master Trainer, Colombo Plan
Dr. Thomas Scaria,
ICAP and UN Certified Addiction Trainer & Director, Ecolink
Dr. Damber Kumar Nirola,
Psychiatrist and ICAP Certified Trainer (Bhutan)
Ms. Reshma Malick,
ICAP-III Certified Addiction Trainer
Mr. Sonam Jamtsho,
ICAP-III Certified Addiction Trainer (Bhutan)